ISN Summer Conference 2008:
"Hans Jonas and the Rediscovery of Nature"

The ISN's second annual Summer Conference for scholars and students follows the Summer Seminar

What: A one and one-half day academic conference with one or two keynote addresses, and the presentation of academic papers. This year’s conference will center on the phenomenologist Hans Jonas and his thought on science, technology, and nature. Papers are welcome on related topics ranging from anti-reductionism/holism, self-organization, systems theory, and complexity in science, to papers in natural philosophy in the neo-Aristotelian or phenomenological traditions. See the ISN “Articles, essays, and books” page to get a sense of the range or relevant topics. Papers need not focus on Jonas’s thought but should tie in to the conference theme in some respect. Given Jonas’s broad interests and deep insights, a tie-in to the theme from a broad range of possible paper topics should not be difficult.

Who: The keynote speakers will be Lenny Moss and Michael Denton. Scholars interested in giving papers are welcome to submit their proposals along with a CV by May 11th. Those whose papers are selected will have their travel expenses reimbursed, and may also receive a small stipend (to be determined). Any interested scholar may attend, but please notify us by May 30th that you plan to come. We have reserved some rooms at a special conference rate of $159/night + taxes at the Kendall Hotel adjacent to campus and the Kendall Square/MIT 'T' stop; it is too late to book your room at that rate with the Kendall yourself, but we have reserved some extra rooms there at that rate and may be able to assign one to you if you contact us. Also, we hope and expect the students from the immediately preceding Summer Seminar will remain to participate, as this conference has been specially scheduled to make it convenient for them to do so.

When: The Summer Conference begins on Friday afternoon, June 13th, at 3:30pm, and ends on Saturday evening. A block of hotel rooms will be reserved, and those whose papers are accepted will have their lodging reimbursed and the Conference fee waived. The full schedule has now been posted. Parking in (ungated) MIT lots is free weekdays after 3pm and on weekends.

Where: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (Boston), Massachusetts. Limited information about travel and other logistics is available on the conference logistics page. More specific information will be sent to those who let us know they are coming.

How: Please contact ISN Director John Keck by May 30th if you plan to attend. The $50 fee for the Summer Conference includes a group dinner on Saturday evening. The fee can be reduced or waived on a showing of need. Attendees not presenting are expected to cover their own travel expenses, but exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Paper proposals and accompanying CVs must be received by May 11th, 2007; those submitting proposals will be notified within two weeks. Electronic submission of proposals and CVs is strongly encouraged.


This page last updated on May 27, 2008