Brief biography of Bernhardt L. Trout
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT
and Senior Fellow, Institute for the Study of Nature
Dr. Bernhardt Trout is a Professor in the Department of Chemical
Engineering at MIT, where he was an undergraduate before earning his Ph.D. from
UC Berkeley in 1996. Bernhardt is Director, Novartis-MIT Center for Continuous
Manufacturing and Co-Chair, Singapore-MIT Alliance, Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Engineering, as well as the head of the MIT Molecular Engineering group. He was
also the winner of the Ford Motor Company Young Investigator Award (2001), the
NSF CAREER Award (2000), and
the holder of the Henry L. and Grace Doherty Professorship for 2001-2003. He
also directs the Concourse program
of alternative and liberal studies at MIT.
home page for more information.